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Vintage Car with map-reading sheep (entrance)
.....’the dance is beginning’ (car park)
hidden throughout the garden - keep eyes peeled..
..a marriage made in heaven. This is for all the odd socks & abandoned shoes of
this world, and the questions they pose.
Up from Easter Island, this distant relative emerges from the ground to explore this riverside haven.
Together, forever, whatever..
Ballet Dancers
(peep board and info)
Pondering her bulge; is it really there, imagined, ached for, or just dreamed of?
The one that many miss. Many times we’re told...'Someone’s sweater there’s getting’ FIERCE wet’.
Try one of our edible creations or just a cuppa..
The dance of life...
..find out..(if you can find it..)
Welded steel kinetic child. Anyone with a toddler in the house may relate to the scale of this arm-waving piece
..the centre of graVity...guide it...
Don’t touch - you know how they can hurt
Find more that peer from hidden corners.
Central to this garden - designed to slow you down
Spin gently to the right to see birds flying
..trying to hold ..even the water - as it flows beneath her..try a group hug ;)
A flame, a burst of hot latino flavour or a dancer that moves as you catch them from different perspectives?
In arm-waving competition.
Another member of the family hiding
(entrance through the arch and onto the bridge)
Among the Oak trees ... in their element.
when you least expect it. (on your right - the smallest installation in the garden and the one most visitors miss)
On a rainy day the flash floods crash under the bridge with humbling drama.
Passing Time (part 1)
(as you cross the bridge observe the spectacular rainbows of colours playing in the large hourglass straight ahead - depending on the time of day)
The ever flowing silver sands of time slipping through our fingers
(across the river) Lying along this soft, mist-greened bank - ‘Mother Earth’ will in time, be quite literally bathed in moss. See it evolve.
Portraying the resident trouts’ implausible, annual upstream battle, with a twist.
(then up the steps and into the....)
All sculptures made with recycled materials...
(over the river to the right)
Battle of the bugs
High up ..to your left - one of the keys to life on earth.
Based on the legendary tale about Fionn MacChuill - ‘ put his finger to his lips & gained great wisdom’
War or Waste..or war on waste? Milking the earth for all its worth.......nurturing milk evolves into gas masks...
(across the river almost hidden in the trees)
(peep board and info)
... 'Twas more like...'
... then down the path on your left...
..then return back up & continue left
Rest & read the oldest story within
Follow the path and then turn right into the...
Gazing out ...eyes peering from the past...
See the time..if there’s sun!
Copper Mine.. & the ancient 'Eyes'
The natural history of the planet in 100 steps
From soft bodied creatures, shells, bones..to vertebrates
Fins become limbs, & tentative crawl onto land...
Shelled eggs.. fingers & agile limbs for life on land..
Countless wonders... we'll never see
The giants of them all...
They took to the air...
For the Yarn Spinners out there..
(peep board and info)
Giant Man & Giant Head
Unlock the vault & see the most destructive animal that ever lived. Take care & keep closed!
.. then up into the...
The table is set for guests...
(peep boards and info)
Then right the Environmental Forest.. continues
(peep board and info)
Giant Seats
At last your chance to be King or Queen.. of The Glengarriff Gargoyles & Gremlins.
..about our insatiable hunger for 'stuff'.. M & M...
...continue left on path between Water & Rock Face..
Take a seat and lift the receiver for a totally new low-tech multi-sensory listening experience.... return.
then back down towards the ladder..
Sometimes at the end of the journey we find we're back where we began
A little blast from the past.. I made as a child & when house clearing.. fished out of a skip to find it's home here ;)
Tea Cups
... the last leg... ;)
Created from a story, Eliza wrote about our ever expanding cat.
Tempting fate, the birds dot the hillside around the suspiciously tranquil looking Fat saf.
Exhaust Ed & Woaf!
(info) by Eliza Wood. A recycled exhaust man, with his loaf tin dog
.. continuing down the steps and back into the Timeless Glen...
(Look left high on bank) On the soft forest floor blanketed in pine needles ‘Rapt’ is swathed and carried away by her own thoughts.
Fern labyrinth with 100 steps... pass as much time as you wish
Next to the fern spiral..symbol of continuity, this horn-conch variant calls to a time past & future, memories & hopes, sea & mountain, obscured from view, but forever linked to this place.
& spinner
Preying Mantis
End of visit and exit to car park
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