
Garden Guide

For safety we would please ask all visitors to follow these guidelines:

- Stay together in your family group, and no running or throwing stones please

- Keep 2mt social distance from others. Please be patients as others in front might be reading information boards, but you can overtake if space

- Please stay on the strictly one way trail which finishes back at the car park


The Garden is a unique, educational nature trail, a wonderful place for visitors of any age to contemplate both the art and the nature. Children are very wellcome and will enjoy the experience tremendously, supervised by adults at all times. Think of it as an outdoor natural history museum like nowhere else in the world!

Walking together also means that kids learn so much more from the natural history trail and the poetry trail... and adults by playing the games or being creative with kids.

It is a private garden in an artist's home, which is open to the public, so quiet enjoyment is appreciated.





The Garden Guide

Thinking of visiting the Ewe Experience?

Click here to view our informative Garden Guide which is also available for download as a convenient PDF file.

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